Quiet, oil-lubricated and oil-free compressors. The SILVER-LINE compressors are available in standard configuration as well as individual compressor solutions.
Quiet, oil-lubricated and oil-free compressors. The SILVER-LINE compressors are available in standard configuration as well as individual compressor solutions.
Oil-free and quiet compressors as well as vacuum pumps, available as customized single units or ready-to-fit complete systems.
Indivual systems and industry solutions of compressed air supply for dispensing systems.
Robust/mobile compressor units in oil-lubricated and oil-free variants for demanding use in trade, agriculture and industry.
To our business friends
In these times of uncertainty caused by the "Corona pandemic", we can confirm that we have already initiated effective measures a few weeks ago to ensure that we will be able to deliver even if the general situation worsens.
Although we are confronted with some restrictions in production, due to prophylactic measures or disruptions in individual supply chains, we are still able to supply our customers in the future. This scenario was foreseeable for us, so that we were able to build up sufficient stocks of raw materials, components and finished products in good time.
We are currently well prepared and do not expect any supply bottlenecks for our finished products or spare parts in the near future.
Of course, it is impossible to make long-term forecasts at the moment, but we can assure you that we are doing everything possible to meet our responsibility towards customers, partners and employees.